Tuesday, February 21, 2012


With there arrival it is found that they have suffered an accident. I am no cruel woman so i accept the task to care for them like i once cared for the ill.

You will regret this..

Against my wishes Ethan leaves me to take Mattie to the station

My arrival

With my arrival i find my pickle dish has been broken. With my departure i suppose there were events to take place between my husband and Mattie. I do not approve of there actions and demand for a new house aid to take her place. 

Trip to Bettsbridge

I am off to the doctors for a check up , leaving my cat behind. He could come of assistance to me.


I may not be as pretty and as young as Mattie but i once was the light in Ethan's eyes. I helped him get through his mothers death by taking the place as his wife. We planned to get away from Starkfield but unfortunately i am not the same person i once was.

With time..

Ethan seems to be in the defense of Mattie. She does not know how to do anything around the house but yet she is expected to be the caretaker. I do not believe that she should remain here. The threat of her being here still remains.

A new Threat

With the arrival of Mattie , i am of suspicion that Ethan will gain interest in her. I cannot allow this to happen so therefore i will have to keep an eye on them.